This was part one of a document you could send away for from Atari to help you out with Raiders. (Back in the days before the instant cheat code source we call the internet). This was copied from the Raiders Tip Sheet. Any spelling and punctuation errors are mine.

Raiders of the Lost Ark tip sheet

Warning: Contains clues to the Raiders of the Lost Ark adventure game. Do not read before thoroughly reading your instruction manual.

Get to the Lost Ark!

You are Indiana Jones, on the most important mission of your life- to find the fabled lost Ark of the Covenant. It's hidden in an Egyptian Desert, inside a towering mesa. How will you find it?

The Path to the lost Ark is not easy. You must break into an ancient temple, pick up temple treasures, find the hidden map room, and even barter with crafty sheiks. There are dangers every step of the way- will you make it?

Here are some tips to help you on your journey:

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Tips to help you find the Lost Ark!

Find the head to the Staff of Ra
To learn the location of the Ark, you must first find the head to the Staff of Ra. It is hidden inside one of the baskets at the marketplace and only appears occasionally. You must keep touching the baskets until the head to the staff magically appears.

The Head to the staff of Ra is used later in the game when you've reached the secret map room.

Blow a hole in the entrance room
Use a grenade in the side of the entrance room. Walk to the right side of the entrance room, select the grenade in your inventory strip and press your right controller button. Kaboom! You're in!

Avoid losing a life by escaping down to the marketplace before the hand grenade explodes. Then walk back to the entrance room. A Hole will be blown in the wall. Watch out for snakes, Indy!

Shoot your way out of dungeons
If your in a dungeon, don't starve- shoot your way out! Use your whip or gun to knock holes in the dungeon wall. You must be in motion to use your weapons- but stop immediately after you shoot. If you bump into a wall after you shoot holes in it, the wall seals up. Try it again.

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Cross the Mesa Field
Use the Ankh (in any room except the temple treasure room) to transport yourself to the mesa field. A grappling hook will be whirling around you. Move the right joystick forward to swing the hook out; move it towards you to bring the hook in. To jump a mesa, move the hook directly over the mesa top and press the right controller button.

Jump down the mesa field, toward the map room. When you reach the last mesa, drop the ankh, center yourself on the mesa and walk down into the next room.

Unlocking the Map Room
Use your key to find and enter the map room. The Map Room is invisible until you reach the entrance, while holding the key. Suddenly the room will appear. Keep holding the key until you center yourself on the pedestal, then select the head to the Staff of Ra, and wait until sunrise. The secret of the lost Ark's location will soon be yours!

Buy a shovel
You'll need to visit the Black Market to buy a shovel for your search. A hard bargaining sheik is selling one at the bottom of the Black Market. Buy the shovel by dropping TWO baskets of coins while standing in front of the sheik. You must be touching part of the shovel to buy it, and you must not be touching any part of the sheik. He will be insulted if you touch him while you drop your coins and refuse to sell you the shovel.

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One last hint to help lead you to the Ark:
With baskets of coins are parachutes bought; to bring you closer to the treasure sought

If you still have trouble finding the lost ark, a solution to Raiders of the Lost Ark adventure game is available. Call Atari Customer Service at (800) 762-1404 (in California), or (800) 583-8543 (in the continental United States).

Tip Sheet (c) 1983 Atari, Inc. All Rights Reserved. C020991 Rev. 1