Super Atragon

Distributor:ADV Films


Format: Series

Length: Two Episodes

Subbed/Dubbed: Dubbed

Audience Appropriateness: Some violence - no nudity.

The Back of the Box:
When the Earth's polar ice caps begin melting at a terrifying pace, the United Nations sends an expeditionary force to investigate - one that is completely destroyed by the vanguard of an invasion from the earth's core! As the whole planet watches in horror, the invader's gavrometric rings crush the UN fleet! The nations of the world are helpless, but even as the enemy's giant cylinders encircle the globe, a secret organization of men and women begin to mobilize a last ditch defense, a secret weapon built in World War Two. After 50 years in hiding, the ultimate attack sub is finally getting it's baptism by fire - with the fate of all humanity hanging in the balance . . .

Clearly the producers were watching Yamato when they were inspired for this series - lets compare. A World War Two naval vessel with a funny looking bow is reborn, and is the only hope to save the Earth from invaders. The captain of the vessel is a gruff old man with his captain's hat pulled over his eyes, while the main character is a hothead youth looking for a 'dead' relative. They even call it a Yamato-class submarine (Unlike Star Blazers - there was no such vessel in real life). All they needed was a blue skin, blond haired commander of the enemy forces.

Does this mean the show is bad? Naw - hardly. It doesn't have the depth of character, or the level of drama that Yamato has, but it was an enjoyable watch. And it's short - so if it sucks, then you haven't wasted that much time or money on the show.

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