The following is a list of ships that can be found in previously printed WEG Star Wars material. These ships are listed as in use either during the Clone Wars or around the time of the Naboo Crisis, suitable for a E1 era game. Since I don't support copyright infringement, you'll only find a listing of where to find the stats yourself, not the actual stats themselves.

Alderaan War Frigate
These were mentioned as being in service during the clone wars, before Alderaan adopted their no weapons policy. General scrapped and converted for more peaceful duty after the wars. The stats for a modified war frigate can be found in the Graveyard of Alderaan.

All Terrain Personal Transport
Technically not a starship, the AT-PT was wide spread enough throughout the Galactic Republic to monition here. The precursor to the Imperial model AT-AT, the AT-PT is a heavy duty combat mech designed to turn a solder into a one man army. A large number of them were deployed aboard the Katana fleet, and thus can be found in the Dark Force Rising sourcebook.

Barloz Medium Freighter
Although no era is given, it is STRONGLY implied that this is an ancient ship, predating the YT series. Stats and capsule can be found in Stock Ships.

BR-23 Courier
A personnel transport by Republic Sienar Systems. Found in Rules of Engagement

Carrack-Class Cruisers
The Imperial sourcebook mentions that this class is extremely old, but gives no specific date for their commissioning. Since the sourcebook points out the age of the Dreadnaught specifically, one can guess that the Carrak's age was not important enough to point out, and was probably not as old. Still, this is an old class of ship, and could easily be passed off as in service at the time of the Naboo crisis.

Corellian Corvette
Although seemingly a newer ship, the Star Wars Sourcebook mentions a several decade cycle between multi purpose starships and single use vessels. It then goes on to mention the older Corellian corvette, implying an older origin for the ship. This is backed up by the design of the Republic Diplomatic Cruiser seen in the opening of TPM - certainly a similar design. Stats and capsules can be found in the Star Wars Sourcebook (among others).

Corellian HT-2200 medium freighter
If designed as the follow-up to the successful YT-1300, as mentioned, this ship could be around just a few years after the introduction of the 1300's. Stats and capsules can be found in Stock Ships.

C-73 Tracker Starfighter
The C-73 Tracker predates the Z-95 Headhunter, easily putting it into the E1 time period. Since it does mention that finding a C-73 in action during the Imperial reign is rare, presumably they were not as wide spread a starfighter as the Z-95. Stats and capsule can be found in Pirates and Privateers and in Alliance Intelligence reports.

Dreadnaught Cruiser
Well into wide spread usage by the time of the Naboo crisis, the Dreadnought forms one of the major components of the Republic's naval backbone. Stats and capsules can be found in the Imperial Sourcebook.

Gauntlet starfighter
Vaguely mentioned as an older and relatively unsuccessful starfighter. The fighter was unpopular due to the political upheaval during it's release (perhaps during the fall of the Republic?) - but it still may not be old enough to include in a TPM game. Can be found in Planets of the Galaxy Volume 1

Imperial Dungeon Ships
Although introduced during the height of the Jedi Purge, somewhere in Episode Three, it is included here for completeness. It is also not inconceivable that the Jedi order had something similar to these vessels, for controlling and containing dangerous foes of their own. These can be found in the Dark Empire sourcebook.

Kappa Class Troop Shuttle
A shuttle design dating from the Old Republic Navy. Mentioned in Rules of Engagment.

Marauder Corvette
Although it doesn't give a date for when these ships entered service, the CSA sourcebook does mention Republic Sienar Systems by name, indicating a pre Empire origin. Conceivably these ships could have been in service for quite a long period of time. Stats and capsules can be found in the Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Authority Sourcebook.

Nella 342 Light Freighter
The Nella 342 is mentioned to have been rendered obsolete by the YT-1300, placing it well within the E1 era. Stats and capsule can be found in Pirates and Privateers.

Nova Drive 3-Z light freighter
Said to be based off the designs for YT-1200. Presumably this vessel would not be based on an outdated class of ship, and could possibly be included in the TPM era. Found in Stock Ships

Rebel Assault Frigate
Although it wouldn't be identified as such, the Rebel Assault Frigate was just a stripped down Dreadnaught, outfitted for minimum crew. It is quite possible that rim governments and other private groups would be able to be able to create similar circumstances. The assault frigate can be found in the Rebel Sourcebook.

Rin Assid Bulk Hauler
Clearly stated as being in service for seven hundred years. Stats and capsule can be found in Pirates and Privateers.

TIE fighter
Originally constructed by Republic Seinar Systems, this predecessor to the Imperial model TIE fighter was introduced to service around the clone wars. Found in Adventure Journal #7 (I believe) or Here

Victory Star Destroyers
Although these vessels are clearly shown to have shown up during the Clone Wars, they are included here for completeness. Stats and capsules can be found in many sources including the Dark Force Rising sourcebook.

YT-1300 Light Freighter
The Corellian Engineering Corporation's YT series is older than dirt. It's mentioned in several places that the 1300 series, although wide spread, is ancient and almost obsolete (to the point where Admiral Thrawn's troops had trouble coming up with a new one when they needed it). Presumably this ship, and the lines below it (the YT-1210, YT-1200 and so on) are around and plentiful in the E1 era. Stats and capsule can be found just about everywhere.

Z-95 Headhunter
Mentioned in one of the early chapters of the novelisation of TPM, this fighter was in service in the Old Republic. The existence of so many Z-95's in the Empire and post Endor eras indicate that this fighter was quite wide spread, quite possibly forming the backbone of the Republic starfighter forces, much like the X- Wing is to the New Republic. Stats and capsules can be found everywhere, however the CSA sourcebook would be the earliest model of the Z-95.

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